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Overcoming Fertility Challenges Using IVF Treatment Options in Nigeria

Overcoming Fertility Challenges Using IVF Treatment Options in Nigeria

23:21 21st May 2024 | IVF Treatment

Fertility IVF Treatment

Bridge Clinic offers comprehensive IVF treatment with personalized fertility solutions and expert care to help you overcome infertility challenges and achieve your dream of starting a family.

Taking Steps to Parenthood

Taking Steps to Parenthood

16:12 17th May 2024 | Journey to parenthood

parenthood IVF Treatment Fertility

Top-quality fertility care at Bridge Clinic. Specializing in IVF, ICSI, IMSI, and genetic testing. Your journey to parenthood starts here.

Fertility and Cancer: Will I still be able to have children?

Fertility and Cancer: Will I still be able to have children?

12:55 20th October 2022 | Fertility

fertility male fertility female fertility chemotherapy radiotherapy breast cancer cancer cancer treatment

Sometimes, cancer treatment can impact your fertility temporarily or permanently. Read this piece to learn the options available to you if you fall into this category.

Can my Age affect my Fertility?

Can my Age affect my Fertility?

13:26 16th March 2021 | Infertility

fertility age chances of conception

A woman's best reproductive years are in her late teens and twenties. While many older men can father a child, male fertility starts to gradually decline from age 40 as semen volume and quality starts to decline, and time to pregnancy increases.

Know Your Numbers with Affordable Primary Healthcare Services

Know Your Numbers with Affordable Primary Healthcare Services

12:09 26th March 2017 | Fertility Check-Up

Physical Check-Up Good Physical Health Fertility Mental Health Medical Screening Kids Evaluation Know Your Numbers Vital Health Health Statistics Accurate Test Results Quality Diagnostic Services PathCare Laboratories International Standards ISO Certification Synlab Nigeria Primary Care FertilitySure Assessment

Many of us delay going to the doctor, whether it’s time for a physical checkup or even if we feel a cold coming on. One reason could be that we’re scared; for others it could be about money. In Nigeria there can be many reasons – cultural, religious, political, economic or social – why people don’t get the basic healthcare they need. Maybe nobody is telling everyone how important it is. We want to change that. We also want to make it ea...

 What is your ovarian reserve and why is it important?

What is your ovarian reserve and why is it important?

21:46 9th February 2016 | Female Fertility

Ovarian Reserve Fertilisation Pregnancy Miscarriage FSH AMH Follicles Trans-Vaginal Ultrasound Fertility Cycle Eggs

Ovarian reserve is a term that is used to determine the capacity of the ovary to provide egg cells that are not only capable of fertilisation but are more likely to result in a healthy and successful pregnancy. A woman’s ability to become pregnant decreases as she gets older because she has fewer eggs. The quality of her eggs also decreases and they are more likely to have abnormalities. This means that older women have lower pregnancy ...

Improving your chances of conceiving naturally

Improving your chances of conceiving naturally

20:58 9th February 2016 | Conception

Conception Natural Conception Unprotected Sex Fertility Intercourse

Conceiving naturally is the ideal way of getting pregnant and there are several things you can do to improve your chances of becoming pregnant this way. First of all,make sure that you are in the best of health. Get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables and stop smoking. Take your vitamins and enjoy life with your partner. If you have any niggly health problems, visit your doctor an...



08:05 9th February 2016 | Medical Assessment

Sterility Infertility Fertility Unprotected Intercourse Pregnancy Testicular Factor Abnormal Sperm Production Testosterone Deficiency Genetic Defects Undescended Testes Post Testicular Factors Male Fertility Male Genital System Testicular Sperm Production Prostatic Retrograde Ejaculation Ejaculatory Duct Obstruction Hypospadias Impotence Fallopian Tubes Pelvic Infections Endometrosis Ovulation Cervical Blockage Mucus Production Hormone Testing Sperm Count Microscopic Examination FertilitySure Assessment

Many people use the terms sterility and infertility as if they are interchangeable. They are not and it is important to understand the difference. Primary Sterility is when a couple is unable to conceive after having unprotected intercourse for a specified period. Secondary sterility is when a couple has had at least one child but has been unable to achieve another pregnancy.

There are two categories of infertility. Primary infertilit...

No sign of a baby? Talk to us

No sign of a baby? Talk to us

21:27 8th February 2016 | Infertility Treatment

Family Baby Fertility Simple Procedure Infertility Treatment Successful Pregnancy 47% Gold Standard Clients FertilitySure

Today I’m going to talk about something that few people want to talk about. You have been married for a year and there is no sign of a baby. It is vital for you to prove your fertility and your husband wants a family. It is expected and a woman who can’t have a child is a social outcast. Your family, your husband’s family and your friends are looking at you with disapproval. You can’t get pregnant and everyone thinks it is your fault. Y...

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