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Stress could be the Reason you are not Conceiving

Stress could be the Reason you are not Conceiving

19:25 8th November 2019 | Male Infertility

stress infertility pressure anxiety fertility testing FertilitySure

Everyone gets stressed once in a while. So if you’re frazzled for a few weeks at work or feel anxious about a big move, it likely won’t hurt your baby-making abilities. But if your stress goes on for a long time or if you’re dealing with a major upheaval like unemployment or a death in the family, then your ovulation might get thrown out of whack.

How to Stand Up to Fertility Challenges

How to Stand Up to Fertility Challenges

13:35 21st October 2017 | FertilitySure

Fertility Status Infertility Challenges Stress Infertility Treatment Semen Analysis STDs Infertility Factors Primary Care Treatments

If you are yet to discover your fertility status, or if you are already facing infertility challenges, you need to take control of your fertility if you want to start or expand your family.

There are both male and female factors to be aware of. By taking control of your fertility you can stand up to possible fertility challenges. It is important to remember that infertility challenges are very common and that there are various treatme...

Stress and infertility

Stress and infertility

03:25 24th June 2016 | Infertility - Stress

Stress Pressure Anxiety Fertility Treatment Conception Infertility PGD PGS IVF Welcome Forum

You cannot get pregnant and your partner can’t deal with it. You can’t deal with it either, if the truth be told. You both want to start a family but the more you try, the worse it gets. Stress is eating you up and while you don’t want to play the blame game, it is difficult not to when the stakes are so high. And the stakes are high when it comes to having, or not having, a baby in the Nigerian society. A woman is expected to produce a...

Separating the facts from the fiction.

Separating the facts from the fiction.

02:23 1st June 2016 | Myths of Infertility

Age Poor Nutrition Smoking Food Caffeine Stress Alcohol Chemicals Conception

There are so many myths and old wives’tales surrounding pregnancy. Some things make good sense while others are do not make much sense. How do we know which to believe? We take a look.

Age matters

Yes. Age is the number one variable affecting fertility. The age of first pregnancies is increasing worldwide and the most common cause of infertility in a woman is her ovarian reserve which decreases markedly as she ages.

Poor nutri...

Professional counselling is a vital part of our service

Professional counselling is a vital part of our service

12:57 17th April 2016 | Counselling Services

Infertility Treatment Depression Anxiety Stress Negative Emotions Disbelief Desperation IVF Embryo Transfer Egg Collection Semen Analysis FertilitySure Assessments Welcome Forums

Symptoms of depression and anxiety are extremely common in women who are having difficulty conceiving a child or who are going through the tortuous ride of infertility treatment. Feeling stressed and inadequate because you cannot conceive is a normal reaction, especially in societies where it is expected – that women have children as soon as they get married.

We do not know exactly how negative emotions and stress affect a woman’s cha...

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