04:38 1st August 2013 | Infertility
Ovulation Induction DI IVF ICSI SSC Semen Freezing Embryo Freezing Intra Uterine Insemination Ovarian Follicles HCG
In the next few posts we’ll be discussing the various treatment options/programmes available for infertility. The treatment programme selected will depend on the needs of each individual couple, and could consist of one or a combination of the following treatment options:
Ovulation induction and cycle monitoring
Intrauterine insemination with husband’s sperm (IUI)
Donor Insemination (DI)
In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF)
04:37 1st August 2013 | Customer Journey
Enquiry Enquiries Registration Preliminary Investigations Second Consultation Gyneacologist TBC Consent Forms Assessment Treatment Options
In this post, I will take you through the bridge clinic way from the first inquiry to the decision of assisted reproduction, subsequent articles will address the actual treatment process.
Enquiries and Registration
This is the first point of entry for all clients. You may walk in to make enquiries or make enquiries through the telephone, SMS or email. Your demographic data will be
taken and an enquiry pack, which contains brief informa...
04:40 22nd July 2013 | Male Fertility issues
Andrology Andrologist Fertility Fertility Problems Erection Ejaculation Varicocoele Genetic Disorders Prostate Problems
Andrology is the medical specialty that deals with male health, particularly reproductive health. An andrologist is a medical doctor that specialises in andrology.
Why do men get fertility Problems?
There are several different causes of fertility pronlems in men. They include:
04:41 18th July 2013 | Bridge Clinic Welcome Forum
ASPIRE Welcome Forum Myths & Misconception Fertility Impartial Advice Conception Discussion Advice to Couples Bridge Clinic
We request the pleasure of your presence at our Welcome Forum. Come and be part of this discussion focusing on breaking the myths and misconceptions surrounding infertility.
Kindly join in this discussion which will be in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. It promises to deliver sincere and impartial advice to couples facing challenges with conception. Please find details below
Event: Aspire Welcome Forum
Date: Saturday 27th J...
04:41 15th July 2013 | Ovulatory Disorders
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Ultrasound Examination Ovulatory Abnormalities FSH LH Menstrual Cycle Oestrogen Progesterone Ovarian Axis Hypothalamic Pituitary TSH Serum Prolactin Thyroid Gland Blood Testoterone Excessive Androgen Adrenal Glands Tomography Scan Brain Tumour Autoimmune Disorders Excessive Prolactin
Women with ovulatory abnormalities may have infrequent or cessation of their periods, although there are some women with seemingly normal periods that are not ovulating such as the
very rare luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome.
History of strenuous exercise or athletic performance, previous cancer treatment and use of certain hormonal contraceptive medications may be suggestive of possible causes of
ovulatory disorders. Women who ...
04:44 4th July 2013 | Preserving Fertility
Medical Consultation LifeStyle Choices Fertile Men Healthy Men Sperm Quality Parameters Successful Pregnancy
There are a number of things that men can do to preserving and promote their fertility which don’t require a medical consultation. Simple lifestyle choices go a long way in helping men stay healthy and fertile. Listed below are simple but important actions recommended to help preserve fertility in men:
Eat a health balanced diet Take regular exercise Try to maintain your weight in the ideal range Don’t smoke K...04:48 19th June 2013 | Fibroids
Menstrual Disturbance Menstrual Bleeding Bleeding Symptoms Pregnancy Clinical Examination Transvaginal Ultrasound Scan MRI
The majority of fibroids are small and do not cause any symptoms but few women may have symptoms which affect their lives significantly and would require treatment. The different symptoms may be caused by the position of the fibroid, its size or the number of fibroids in the womb.
Menstrual disturbances
Fibroids may cause the menstrual bleeding to be heavier or increase in duration of bleeding or may cause bleeding in between period...
04:49 5th June 2013 | Fibroids:Causes & Types
Abnormal Genes Cell Growth Hormones Oestrogen Progesterone Uterus Submucous Intramural Sudserous Endometrium Lining Endometrial Cavity Uterine Lining
What Causes Fibroids?
The exact cause of fibroids is unknown, but they may be due to the abnormal expression of genes which control cell growth resulting in an abnormal rate of their growth and
division. They may also be as a consequence of hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone. It has been noticed that when there is a decrease of these hormone
levels as occurs during the menopause, fibroid symptoms seem to resolve.
Types of ...
04:51 3rd June 2013 | Non-Cancerous Tumours
Fibroids Infertility Surgical Treatment Uterine Fibroids Reproductive Ages Menstrual Problems
The issue of Fibroids and their association with infertility has been a very controversial one. Does the mere presence of fibroids mean a woman will be infertile? Or do
complications arise from their surgical treatment? In the next few post, I will explore this association between uterine fibroids and infertility as well as address the
management options for fibroids in women who are preparing for pregnancy.
Uterine fibroids ar...
04:52 14th May 2013 | Unexplained Infertility
Natural Conception Intercourse Sperm Vagina Womb Cervix Uterus Fallopian Tubes Ovaries Ovulation Fertilisation Foetus Fertile Couples Normal Sperm Pregnancy Male Infertility Female Infertility Fertilised Eggs Maximal Infertility Basic Investigations Tubal Patency Semen Test Falloposcopy Semen Function Cummulative Risk Pelvic Infection Environmental Toxins
Before a couple can achieve conception naturally, they must have intercourse and during this process, the man ejaculates, that is, releases his sperm into the woman’s vagina. The sperms swim through the neck of womb (the cervix) into the uterus and down the fallopian tubes where, hopefully, the sperms will meet an egg that has been released from the women’s ovaries if intercourse coincides with ovulation. Fertilization may occur with a ...
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